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State Key Laboratory of Microbial Shandong University signed my company 3L5 Taiwan fermenter

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State Key Laboratory of Microbial Shandong University signed my company 3L5 Taiwan fermenter

Date:2012-04-21 00:00 Source:http://m.jh369.cn Click:

        April 20, 2012, Professor Xu Fang Key Laboratory of Microbial Shandong University to visit our company, expressed satisfaction with the company's product design process and production of precision, according to usage and process requirements I signed on the spot five 3 liters off-site sterilization mechanical agitation full glass fermenter model BLBIO-3GJ, because Professor Fang is the study of cellulase fermentation, viscosity, off-site sterilization mechanical agitation full glass fermenter is directly connected to the mechanical transmission, can be high viscosity broth speed up to 1200RPM, and good temperature effect, precision 0.01 degrees, Professor Fang to our glass fermenter satisfaction expressed by standardized production processes, because the only way to ensure the results reproducible, Professor Fang is 80 years studying in Japan fermentation experts I looked at the company's products that our products can enter the international production, encouraged by the staff of our company.

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